Coaching Actuaries inClass

Coaching Actuaries in Class (CAiC) has been trusted in over 120 schools and 1,200 classrooms since 2015. Free to use for both instructors and students, it's your key to stress-free class preparation and administration. Bring Coaching Actuaries to your classroom today.

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Working for You: Focus on teaching, prioritize learning

With our inClass tool, you can create assignments and quizzes to your specifications, automate grading, and ensure your students are on track with their preparation. Tour the platform using the videos below and see how CAiC could work for you.

inClass (Free Option): Everything you need to get started

inClass features all the tools you need to manage a successful course.

  • Quickly create homework and quizzes

    Choose from our vast question bank, or generate a list of questions at random based on your needs.

  • Save time on grading

    Assignments and quizzes are scored automatically, and students can see the answers and written or video solutions to what they missed.

  • Easily view reports on student activity

    Updates on your students' performance are available in CSV format in the professor portal.

Option to Include Adapt: Empower individual preparation

Give your students all of the features of inClass as well as the flexibility and actionable insights of Adapt, our flagship practice tool.

  • Dynamic practice exams

    Students have access to practice exams tailored to their individual needs and knowledge.

  • Custom quiz builder

    Students can create their own customized quizzes on specific topics, choosing the length and difficulty that suits them.

  • In-depth progress monitoring

    Using our Earned Level system, students know exactly how prepared they are for their exam.

Satisfied professors and students

I have found it to be a helpful tool as I design my actuarial courses. I use it for student assessment and appreciate the flexibility that it affords.

Susan Osweiler Past Director of School of Actuarial Science and Risk Management, Drake University

CAiC is beneficial as it's simple to access ... I would love it if all my actuarial science professors would use this feature from CA.

Phuong N. CAiC Student

Get Started: Let's get your course ready

Get the set-up process started for your course by filling out the following form. Our team will be in touch to answer any questions and let you know when your course will be ready.

Get Started Today